Welcome to the new India Info Centre with a completely new look. It took about 2 months to completely renovate the site with new features. New pictures have been added to the gallery and as you can see our logo too have changed. The old Banner Exchange have been terminated and the sites whose banners we sported have been informed. Everyone have to apply now from the beginning. I am thankful to all those who have signed my guestbook. Also several new contents have been added.    

This newly renovated site contains everything about India - Indian History, Geography, States of India, Indian Nobel laureates, India Gallery and a whole lot of new contents. Profiles of the state of Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Uttaranchal which have already celebrated their first birthday in November last year have been added. 

I'm always trying to improve and add to the contents of the site. So enter the site and enjoy.


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This site have been last updated on 2 June, 2002

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